Hello World
print("Hello, World!")
-- This is a single-line comment
This is a
multi-line comment
Data type
Lua has the following basic data types:
nil -- Represents the absence of a value
boolean -- true or false
number -- Real (double-precision) numbers
string -- Immutable sequences of characters
table -- Associative arrays (key-value pairs)
function -- Blocks of reusable code
userdata -- Used to represent C data
thread -- For managing coroutines
Lua does not have explicit constant declarations, but it can be emulated using conventions:
local PI = 3.14159 -- Naming convention for constants is UPPER_CASE
Operator | Example | Same as |
+ | x = 5 + 3 | Addition x = 8 |
- | x = 5 - 3 | Subtraction x = 2 |
* | x = 5 * 3 | Multiplication x = 15 |
/ | x = 6 / 3 | Division x = 2 |
% | x = 5 % 3 | Modulus x = 2 |
^ | x = 2 ^ 3 | Exponentiation x = 8 |
== | x == 5 | Compare if x equals 5 |
~= | x ~= 5 | Compare if x does not equal 5 |
< | x < 5 | Compare if x is less than 5 |
> | x > 5 | Compare if x is greater than 5 |
<= | x <= 5 | Compare if x is less than or equal to 5 |
>= | x >= 5 | Compare if x is greater than or equal to 5 |
and | x > 1 and x < 5 | Logical AND between conditions |
or | x < 1 or x > 5 | Logical OR between conditions |
not | not x == 5 | Logical NOT of condition |
.. | "Lua " .. "is awesome" | Concatenates strings into "Lua is awesome" |
# | #t | Returns the length of a string or table t |
If else
local x = 10
if x > 5 then
print("x is greater than 5")
elseif x == 5 then
print("x is equal to 5")
print("x is less than 5")
Lua has not built-in switch statement. Instead we can use if-elseif
local choice = 2
if choice == 1 then
print("Option 1 selected")
elseif choice == 2 then
print("Option 2 selected")
elseif choice == 3 then
print("Option 3 selected")
print("Invalid option")
While loop
local count = 0
while count < 5 do
print("Count is:", count)
count = count + 1
For loop
for i = 1, 5 do
print("i is:", i)
Repeat Until loop
local value = 0
print("Value is:", value)
value = value + 1
until value > 5
Iterating over a table
local fruits = {"Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"}
for index, fruit in ipairs(fruits) do
print(index, fruit)
Variables and Scope
Variables inLua are dynamically typed
local x = 10 -- Local variable
y = 20 -- Global variable (avoid unless necessary)
Lua uses block scoping
local z = 30 -- Scope limited to this block
print(z) -- Outputs: 30
print(z) -- Error: z is not defined
Tables are the primary data structure inLua.
-- Tables are the primary data structure in Lua.
local t = {} -- Create an empty table
t["key"] = "value" -- Key-value pair
t[1] = "First Element" -- Numeric index (arrays)
t.name = "Lua Table" -- Shortcut for string keys
-- Iterating over a table
for k, v in pairs(t) do
print(k, v)
-- Multi-dimensional tables
local matrix = {
{1, 2, 3},
{4, 5, 6},
{7, 8, 9}
print(matrix[1][2]) -- Outputs: 2
-- Defining a function
function greet(name)
return "Hello, " .. name
-- Calling a function
print(greet("World")) -- Outputs: Hello, World
-- Anonymous functions
local add = function(a, b)
return a + b
print(add(3, 5)) -- Outputs: 8
-- Varargs (Variable number of arguments)
function sum(...)
local s = 0
for _, v in ipairs({...}) do
s = s + v
return s
print(sum(1, 2, 3, 4)) -- Outputs: 10
Coroutines allow cooperative multitasking inLua.
co = coroutine.create(function()
for i = 1, 3 do
print("Coroutine iteration:", i)
coroutine.resume(co) -- Outputs: Coroutine iteration: 1
coroutine.resume(co) -- Outputs: Coroutine iteration: 2
coroutine.resume(co) -- Outputs: Coroutine iteration: 3
Error Handling
Using pcall
(protected call) for error handling.
local status, err = pcall(function()
error("An error occurred!")
if not status then
print("Error:", err)